Meet the inspiring Youth from across the Asia Pacific region
Starting on June 9, 2016, JA Asia Pacific is introducing youth representing 12 Asia Pacific locations in the JA AP Youth Talk Conference through a series of introductory short videos. We will be introducing 2 youth each day, consecutively for 7 days and until the day of the JA AP Youth Talk Conference in live on June 16, 2016. Please stay tuned and follow us @#JAAPYouthTalk #JAAPAlumni.
Be inspired by Youth from 12 Asia Pacific locations
Meet global and regional business leaders
Engage in a dialogue to inspire and empower Asia Pacific youth
The first JA AP Youth Talk Conference
The JA AP Youth Talk Conference brings together youth, global and Asia Pacific regional business leaders from all around the world to discuss and respond to the most pressing youth issues in this region.
Inspiring Youth
Leveraging the power of the JA AP Members network, conference delegates will have the opportunity to hear directly from our young people on their aspirations and challenges from the following 12 Asia Pacific locations:
China . Guam . Hong Kong . India . Indonesia . Japan
Kazakhstan , Korea . Philippines . Singapore . Thailand . Vietnam
Distinguished Speakers
The conference features a staged panel discussion with youth and business leaders from around the world to discuss and explore how business and communities can respond to the aspirations and challenges presented by JA AP Youth, and to recommend actions that can further harness the potential of youth.
The panel discussion on stage will be moderated by Ms. Vivian Lau, President of JA Asia Pacific. Members of the distinguished speakers panel include:
Mr. Francesco Vanni d'Archirafi. Chief Executive Officer of Citi Holdings/JA Worldwide Board Chair)
Ms. Diana Tsui. Head of Global Philanthropy, JP Morgan Asia Pacific
Mr. Horace Chow. General Manager, Microsoft Hong Kong and Macau
Ms. Jane Lau. Chief Executive, UNICEF Hong Kong
Mr. Clive Lee. CEO, Yidan Prize Foundation
With the support from JA Asia Pacific’s regional partner, FedEx Express Asia Pacific, MetLife Asia Pacific and the personal contribution from Dr. Steve Wong, JA Asia Pacific Board Chair, and Dr. William Lo, JA Hong Kong Board Chair, JA Asia Pacific takes great pleasure to extend the conference dialogue to the JA AP Welcome Dinner with our keynote speaker:
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