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2018 Yearbook

JA 100

Vision, Mission

Leadership Message
Leadership Message
Karen Reddington
Board Chair, JA Asia Pacific
President, Asia Pacific Division, FedEx Express
Vivan Lau
President and CEO
JA Asia Pacific
Karen Reddington
Board Chair, JA Asia Pacific
President, Asia Pacific Division,
FedEx Express
Never have we lived in a time when two-thirds of today’s five-year-old are predicted to work in jobs that have not yet been invented. With emerging economies that are experiencing rapid growth and changes in Asia Pacific, what investments should be made to ensure that our youth are ready to seize the opportunities in these economies and integrate into the future talent force? These are vital questions that policy makers, corporations, and civic societies are asking around the world. As JA celebrates our 100th anniversary in 2019, we are getting our youth and ourselves #futureready.

JA Asia Pacific in 2018
JA Asia Pacific in 2018

Supporting Human Capital
Supporting Human Capital
to accelerate sustainable growth in the region

JA Alumni

JA Alumni Asia Pacific Initiatives

Regional Funders
Regional Funders
An investment in JA is an investment in the success of the next generation. Support from our funders and volunteers allow us to accelerate our growth, support innovation in technology, and empower us to enhance students’ learning experiences.

JA AP Members' Highlights

JA Asia Pacific Members' Highlights
Hong Kong
Cross-Border Collaboration
Cross-Border Collaboration
Unleashing the power of the JA Asia Pacific Regional Network.

JA Asia Pacific Board Members
JA Asia Pacific Board Members
Representing global organizations and the brightest minds of their generation, the JA Asia Pacific Board Members help shapes our regional footprint, steers our strategic direction, and mentors our staff.

JA Leaders around the Asia Pacific Region
Karen Reddington:
“FedEx has been a long-term supporter of JA as we believe that investing in the education of our children today opens our world to greater possibilities in the future. JA provides a wonderful opportunity for FedEx to help nurture our next generation of business leaders. With an understanding of how global trade works, these individuals will help their local economies and communities grow. This makes entrepreneurship an important life skill to learn.”
Bernard Chan:
“JA Asia Pacific’s mission to help the young learn about enterprise, work and money. With knowledge and awareness of these subjects, they will be better prepared to enjoy successful lives and build prosperous communities. I congratulate all involved in this effort to help the next generation thrive in the real world.”
Edward Lee:
“The JA story has been an integral part of my journey. It is inspiring to witness how JA programs have given students the opportunity to learn and practice real-life skills.
I was one of them.
I desire to see the growing impact of JA to an increasing number of young individuals in the coming years.”
JA Leaders around the region

Contact Us
Contact Us

JA AP 2018 Yearbook Download
JA Asia Pacific 2018 Yearbook Download

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